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News from the industry

Federal government ratifies CBSA employees' collective agreement. The tentative agreement was also recently ratified by a vote from the CBSA's employees

CBSA issues dumping & subsidizing determinations on pea protein from China. Provisional duties at rates ranging from 1.1% to 54.6% are now payable on the subject goods

Tribunal maintains injury finding on oil and gas well casing from China. The Trade Tribunal says resumption of dumping/subsidizing would result in injury to Canadian industry

CFIA will reinstate seasonal import rules for certain romaine lettuce from California. Similar temporary import conditions have been implemented every fall season since 2020

Container chassis originating in or exported from China - Dongguan CIMC Vehicle Co. Conclusion of normal value and export price review

Upholstered domestic seating originating in China and Vietnam, and exported from the United States - Wayfair. Notice of close of record and updated schedule - normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy

Update of the Certification Program for the Export of Hardwood to the EU. CFIA directive D-14-02: Certification Program for the Export of Hardwood Species Regulated for Agrilus spp. to the European Union (EU) has been updated

CETA origin quota utilization tables 2024. The Utilization levels for certain items have been updated

Textiles and Clothing - CUSMA Weekly Stats - Export/Import - Preference Level Utilization - Utilization levels have been updated

Update: CDC simplifies new requirements for dogs entering the United States. As of August 1, 2024, dogs entering the U.S. from Canada will be subject to additional requirements (Also see: Entry Requirements for Dogs from Dog-Rabies Free or Low-Risk Countries)

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