Canada officially launches challenge on revised U.S. softwood lumber duties. Canada is launching CUSMA challenges to the latest U.S. countervailing and anti-dumping duty determinations
China opens anti-dumping investigation into Canadian canola seed exports. The investigation comes after Canada's announcement of a 100 per cent surtax on Chinese electric vehicles
Canada initiates consultations on potential surtaxes in response to Chinese trade practices. The 30-day consultation is about trade in critical mineral products, batteries, solar products, and semiconductors
Tribunal initiates review of expiry of duties on structural tubing from South Korea and Türkiye. The dumping finding is scheduled to expire unless CBSA and Tribunal decide to maintain it
CFIA advice about USDA National Organic Program (NOP) Enforcement Update. Under Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE), importers of organic products into the United States must be certified under the USDA organic regulations by a USDA-accredited certifier. This includes operations physically located outside of the United States that are acting as the importer of record for such shipments, regardless of any other certifications they hold for other organic activities
Wheat and Barley First-Come, First-Served Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQ) Period: August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025 - Utilization levels have been updated
CETA origin quota utilization tables 2024. The Utilization levels for certain items have been updated
Textiles and Clothing - CUSMA Weekly Stats - Export/Import - Preference Level Utilization - Utilization levels have been updated